Monster Bash 6: Sinister Stronghold Media
On this page are videos (including one with pictures from this Haunt) related to Monster Bash 6: Sinister Stronghold which took place in October 2017 and was the first Haunt we had in our very own "Monster Bash Building", the first as an official 501(c)(3) charity, and was also our first haunt to be awarded the Best Haunt award in Minnesota by the website. For a description of that Haunt, please see the Sinister Stronghold summary on our History page!
This is the "Teaser" video for Monster Bash 6: Sinister Stronghold which was created for us by KIMT-TV. Thanks to KIMT-TV, Monster Bash Haunted Houses have had these fantastic "Teasers" for every Haunted House since this year's Haunted House! It's been a fantastic addition to our annual traditions right up there with the release of the logos and t-shirt designs each year!

KTTC came for a visit - including a walkthrough of the haunted house by the admittedly easily scared reporter Francisco Almenara-Dumur who was fantastic to watch (and also did a great report)! Parts of this video were used in the "mash-up" video just a little bit below on this page!
One of our regrets, though, is that we didn't get a copy of the "full experience" version of Francisco's trip through Sinister Stronghold that Francisco mentions at the end of the report!

As noted above, Sinister Stronghold had a couple of fun visitors during its run in October 2017! KTTC-TV sent through one of its reporters - Francisco, who was reportedly not a fan of Haunted Houses, but was willing to go through ours...and allow the KTTC cameras to keep running while he did so! We also had a visit by a mom and two kids on 10/22/2017 who were going to (with permission from us) do a live walkthrough on Facebook (see BunnyBirdyGator: as they experienced it. Our building wasn't very kind to their internet connection, so they went through a second time and recorded it, and posted it on their Facebook page. This video is a mash-up of both of those videos as well as some pictures and other related video (including the first year of the Hearse with its lighting and sound system!) from Year #6!
Jim Shupe - who has been a part of the Monster Bash Haunted Houses since Year 1 - provided a fun and (mostly!) in-character walk-through of the Sinister Stronghold Haunted House without any of the actors present. Jim was a part of the first room you encountered after entering from the "outside" (where one of the Shupe family members taunted guests as "The Jester" at the castle entrance) and helped set the tone and the story for our 6th Haunt. For the glowstick folks, he and his wife, Heather, instructed our guests to "blow the king a kiss" when they encountered him elsewhere in the "castle". It made for a fun experience even for those that had the reduced scare, and Jim does a great job with the walk-through video as well!
Note at the end (at the 8:24 mark), some of our "scary senior students" tell us a little bit about their experiences at Monster Bash!
Annalise Shupe (the Jester in Sinister Stronghold) took part in the Fillmore Country Journal's Writing Project as a Fillmore Central senior. In her piece dated November 13, 2017 - a few weeks after the conclusion of our 6th Haunted House - she wrote about her experiences and enjoyment - and her family's efforts - being a part of the Haunted Houses since the very first one in 2012. A PDF of that article is posted here, but the original web address was:

KAAL-TV reported on Halloween Night of Sinister Stronghold (Oct 31, 2017) calling it a “Top Draw in Minnesota”. It was the first live from site broadcast for Hannah Tiede (according to her Twitter account where she posted this photo) who dressed up for the occasion and posed with Annalise Shupe and AJ Jorgenson.
Note that the original posting on KAAL ( is no longer active

As noted for this Haunted House, the area of the Haunt we called "Death's Garden" was a cool encounter for our scary effort in our very own building this particular year. The "Garden" was a big open area, and an aspect of the Haunt that we never had enough space to create during the previous five years at the Harmony Community Center Gym. So, this space was really exciting for us to develop! Adding to the experience was the efforts of Rianna Ryan who designed her disturbing look as "Mother Nature's Evil Sister" and applied it (and had to remove it afterward!) for each Haunt night. In this video, you can watch the process of her transforming from the nice person she is into something you'd rather stay away from! Rianna and her family have been a big part of our haunting efforts over the years, helping to make our haunted houses a destination for Halloween fans!