Monster Bash, Incorporated

Monster Bash, Incorporated is the 501(c)(3) charity organization that oversees the Monster Bash Haunted Houses that are created each year for the scares and the fun to support the Music, Theater and Arts programs at Fillmore Central Public Schools, and the District's communities: Fountain, Harmony and Preston located in Fillmore County, Minnesota.

Volunteer driven, the Monster Bash, Incorporated Board of Directors are all volunteers as well and receive no compensation for their time, and all of them have participated in the haunts over the years in one way or another: from being on the "scare floor" itself, to building (and tearing down!) the various haunts that are Different Every Year, to greeting our victims (er...guests!) before and after their trips through the haunted house, to helping out with various projects during the off-season to prepare for upcoming Haunted Houses, to coordinating the numerous volunteers that makes each Haunt come alive, the Board of Directors are active in so many ways other than just sitting around a table and making motions and deciding on issues!

This page contains some of the basic information of the charity's "day-to-day" operations, including the Board of Directors membership and recent minutes from the Board Meetings. Below that information are some additional Public Information resources relating to Monster Bash, Inc. First, there is a link provided to the Minnesota Office of the Attorney General website that takes you to their page proving public information for Monster Bash, Inc, and below that is our Gold Seal for Transparency status from GuideStar/Candid with a link to our profile page on their website.

Monster Bash, Inc

Board of Directors

Jay Masters (President)

Bryan Berg (Vice-President/Treasurer)

Sarah Holten (Secretary)

Jim & Heather Shupe (Shared Seat)

Jackie Whitacre

Samantha Bratland

Steve Donney

Jason Schwingle

Emily Hahn Larson

Board Meeting Info

Next Meeting:

Thursday January 16, 2025

(at Fillmore Central HS (Media Center): 6:30PM)

Recent Meeting Agendas/Minutes

Note that these are the Public View version of these documents. Links are made available only after the minutes have been approved by the Monster Bash Board of Directors. Generally, the minutes for the meetings from the last 24 months are posted.


  November 9, 2024 

  (not yet approved by the Board)  

  September 12, 2024

  June 5, 2024 

  November 29, 2023

  August 15, 2023 

  May 10, 2023 

  March 18, 2023

  January 7, 2023

  November 22, 2022

Public Information

Monster Bash, Inc is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization registered in the State of Minnesota. 

For the public information regarding Monster Bash, Inc as provided to the Minnesota State Office of the Attorney General, please see the link below. Our Fiscal Year ends on June 30th each year, so our Annual Report to the State Attorney General might not be updated on their site until the following January.

Note: if the link doesn't work, go to the Minnesota Attorney General's website (, click on "charities" and chose the "Search for Charities and Fundraisers" option. In the search area, search for the name "Monster Bash". For the Attorney General's purposes, the city is Preston and the State is Minnesota.

GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency

As recommended by the Minnesota Office of the Attorney General for researching charities and determining if they are worthy of your donations (see, Monster Bash has a presence on the GuideStar/Candid website ( where additional public information can be found, including our most recent 990 filing. GuideStar/Candid also provides Seals of Transparency, and for 2024, Monster Bash has earned their Gold Seal.

You can visit Monster Bash, Inc's profile page on the GuideStar site using the link below. Be aware that GuideStar provides one profile view for a given device. After that, in order to view additional profiles, GuideStar asks that you create a free account with them: